IoT Workshops (303B)
Expansion in the Universe? The FCC, NANP, and the future of IoT IOT-03
Chairman of the Board
SIP Forum
The North American Numbering Plan (NANP) is projected to exhaust its numbering resources by 2051, however, that could be hastened if trends in usage accelerate. Additionally, the North American Numbering Council (NANC) estimated the total societal cost of expanding the universe of numbering resources in the NANP could reach tens or hundreds of billion dollars. Because many modern carrier network architectures, including most wireless networks, may not require use of NANP numbers for the addressing and routing of Internet of Things (IoT) device communications, what does this mean for IoT? When will changes go into effect? How will a new numbering plan change MNO / MVNO relationships? Register me
6G Expo (302)
Thinking Small for Bigger AI Results 6G-03
Principle Software Engineer
Unified Office
Radix IoT
Digitalization Consultant
Radix IoT
Vice President
Chat GPT did the amazing task of digesting the entire Internet knowledge base – real or imagined (like citing the Simpsons in legal briefs). While the results were solid the same question could lead to a variety of answers. By restricting the language set to the common conditions within an industry you get better relevant results. Learn how one company has driven their data sets for AI to match their customers’ needs. Register me
Industrial IoT Conference (303A)
Under Pressure: Oil & Gas and IoT in the Field and on the Bottom Line IIOT-03
Senior Product Manager, Gateways
Well Done Foundation
The oil and gas industry continues to face considerable pressure to increase operational efficiency while also looking to reduce costly waste and downtime. In this session, panelists discuss the role of IoT in addressing some of these challenges through the integration of various technologies and solutions, with the use of satellite connectivity, monitoring devices and real-time data collection and software throughout the life cycle of pipelines and wells. Hear more about real-world applications and use-cases and how IoT advancements continue to affect the bottom line. Register me
The Smart City Event (301)
Residents, Responders, and Responsibility SC-03
thynk AI labs
IoT Solution Architecture & Strategy
Executive Director
Smart Cities deploy a myriad of devices and sensors to improve their constituents’ lives in areas such as public transportation, traffic flow, and environmental impact. For First Responders, these devices combined with the power of data analytics are critical to incident management and community safety. How do municipalities, first responders, and groups like Homeland Security’s First Responder Resource Group (FRRG) utilize technologies to meet the needs of its citizens? How do they recognize opportunities for improvement, address set backs the challenges that come with deploying IoT projects, and measure success. Register me