IoT Evolution Agenda | February 11-13, 2025 | FT. LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA

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Tuesday, February 11, 2025
Tuesday - 2/11/25
(Hall B)
Registration Counters Open
Tuesday - 2/11/25
Tuesday - 2/11/25
IoT Workshops (303B)
What's Ahead in 2025
EVP Marketing flolive Founding Partner Transforma
No one has a crystal ball, but trend lines tend to ring true about the future. This session is a look at what’s to come and what companies should expect to change in the near future.
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6G Expo (302)
Failover with Fixed Wireless Access
Founder | CEO MarketVines CTO Kajeet
Connectivity is a critical requirement for Branch Office or Stores. Today cellular service is an alternative to landline service. Companies are now understanding the ROI of Wireless Failover. In this session we look at the why's and where's of Fixed Wireless Access.
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Industrial IoT Conference (303A)
Factory of the Future: Manufacturing Lessons from the Automotive Sector
Founder, CEO The Besen Group
Few Industries have embraced IoT as much as the Automotive Industry. Whether they are improving production efficiency or enabling remote monitoring of the smart car; the auto industry is transforming the business. In this session Alex Besen looks at the factory floor and the changes in analysis and expectations of change.
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The Smart City Event (301)
Enabling a Smart Community: If You Build It, They Will Come
CEO MetaWorldX RIoT Co-Founder True North Software Solutions President RAD-INFO, Inc. Digitalization Consultant Radix IoT
The digital world is built like a city. It has connecting networks and purpose - built conduits for the community to access and use. How do cities deploy an infrastructure that enables Smart City Planning? Should a smart city focus on a specific type of network, or should it facilitate neutral hosts? What lessons have already been learned that other communities should pay attention to as well?
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  IoT Workshops
  6G Expo
  Industrial IoT Conference
  The Smart City Event
Tuesday - 2/11/25
IoT Workshops (303B)
Navigating Government Regulation and Compliance
EVP Marketing flolive SVP and CTO Somos Member Dickinson Wright PLLC
As political power shifts and technology evolves, the regulatory landscape changes as well. Companies have to keep up with new rules and regulations while addressing issues such as deployment timelines for their services and solutions. Join this panel as they provide suggestions on how to manage and comply with regulations for communication and trade.
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6G Expo (302)
Mobile Edge: Defining an E2E Cloud Network for AI & 6G
Principal 5G Architect NVIDIA Software Engineer Paycom
As 5G evolves enabling improved system capacity, lowering device power consumption, etc. increased use cases get an opportunity to be supported. AI continues to bring forth new opportunities while significantly impacting operational and management efficiency. Lastly, the adventures in Cloud Computing, from both the SW & HW perspectives, are profound and are quickly becoming adopted in the Telecom industry.
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Industrial IoT Conference (303A)
Implementing Zero Trust to Reduce Security Risk
Team Manager Orthogone Technologies Consultant thynk AI labs Strategic Analyst & Project Manager James Brehm & Associates Distinguished Engineer Infineon Technologies
It may reflect our society these days, but the Zero Trust security method is a compelling strategy when you consider the vulnerabilities exploited today. Ransomware, Digital Espionage and Cyber Terrorism all point to a need harden the connectivity and monitor the day to day. This session looks at how Zero Trust can be implemented and protect operations from risks.
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The Smart City Event (301)
What You Need to Know About IoT and Utilities
COO Radix IoT
Utility companies will increase adoption of IoT solutions to ensure operational cost efficiency, grid reliability, enhance safety for workers and customers and improve customer experience. Using cellular networks has transformed how utility companies manage assets, infrastructure and operations and serve their customers. They need to transform themselves into comprehensive service providers by better engaging with customers, generating more resources and dynamically balancing supply and demand on an increasingly complex grid, all while still providing reliable, affordable service to millions.
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  IoT Workshops
  6G Expo
  Industrial IoT Conference
  The Smart City Event
Tuesday - 2/11/25
IoT Workshops (303B)
Expansion in the Universe? The FCC, NANP, and the future of IoT
Chairman of the Board SIP Forum
The North American Numbering Plan (NANP) is projected to exhaust its numbering resources by 2051, however, that could be hastened if trends in usage accelerate. Additionally, the North American Numbering Council (NANC) estimated the total societal cost of expanding the universe of numbering resources in the NANP could reach tens or hundreds of billion dollars. Because many modern carrier network architectures, including most wireless networks, may not require use of NANP numbers for the addressing and routing of Internet of Things (IoT) device communications, what does this mean for IoT? When will changes go into effect? How will a new numbering plan change MNO / MVNO relationships?
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6G Expo (302)
Thinking Small for Bigger AI Results
Principle Software Engineer Unified Office COO Radix IoT President RAD-INFO, Inc. Digitalization Consultant Radix IoT Vice President Altaworx
Chat GPT did the amazing task of digesting the entire Internet knowledge base – real or imagined (like citing the Simpsons in legal briefs). While the results were solid the same question could lead to a variety of answers. By restricting the language set to the common conditions within an industry you get better relevant results. Learn how one company has driven their data sets for AI to match their customers’ needs.
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Industrial IoT Conference (303A)
Under Pressure: Oil & Gas and IoT in the Field and on the Bottom Line
Consultant Halliburton Senior Product Manager, Gateways Multitech Chairman Well Done Foundation
The oil and gas industry continues to face considerable pressure to increase operational efficiency while also looking to reduce costly waste and downtime. In this session, panelists discuss the role of IoT in addressing some of these challenges through the integration of various technologies and solutions, with the use of satellite connectivity, monitoring devices and real-time data collection and software throughout the life cycle of pipelines and wells. Hear more about real-world applications and use-cases and how IoT advancements continue to affect the bottom line.
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The Smart City Event (301)
Residents, Responders, and Responsibility
Consultant thynk AI labs IoT Solution Architecture & Strategy Oracle Executive Director RIoT
Smart Cities deploy a myriad of devices and sensors to improve their constituents’ lives in areas such as public transportation, traffic flow, and environmental impact. For First Responders, these devices combined with the power of data analytics are critical to incident management and community safety. How do municipalities, first responders, and groups like Homeland Security’s First Responder Resource Group (FRRG) utilize technologies to meet the needs of its citizens? How do they recognize opportunities for improvement, address set backs the challenges that come with deploying IoT projects, and measure success.
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  IoT Workshops
  6G Expo
  Industrial IoT Conference
  The Smart City Event
Tuesday - 2/11/25
Tuesday - 2/11/25
IoT Workshops (303B)
What It Takes to Build an IoT Solution
Founder IOTVA CEO Senzary
IoT Solutions "just work", at least they should. However the components that go into making them work requires integration of power (battery), speed (radio), capacity (processing) and application. Then you have to determine the level of skill required to install and activate. And if that wasn't dauntiing enough it requires an understanding of worldwide spectrum availability and industry compliance requirements. All of these aspects go into IoT "just working". In this session you will learn what it takes to get your IoT to work.
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6G Expo (302)
eUICC: Enabling a Single Pane of Glass
Founder | CEO MarketVines CTO Datablaze
The swivel chair problem of pivoting between monitors and applications has existed for as long as people have had the need to manage multiple connected devices. Is it possible to use a single platform to manage diverse endpoints with one comprehensive view of all your IoT devices? Can you manage connections across diverse network operators and throughout different regions of the world? Are there other benefits to a single pane of glass?
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Industrial IoT Conference (303A)
Analytics and AI: Machine Learning Thinks for Itself
Consultant thynk AI labs CEO and Founder Crossfire Media Digitalization Consultant Radix IoT
A key ingredient to digital transformation is the ability to gather enough information that analytics and AI can detect anomalies and quality degradation faster than humans. However, we have seen that sometimes we inject human bias into our lessons for AI. This session looks at how to enable Machine Learning to go beyond human preconceptions and focus on the relevant data that improves production.
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The Smart City Event (301)
Healthcare from the Home: How Connected Care and AI Affect Better Health Outcomes
CTO, COO and Board Advisor LifePod Solutions (VCTH LLC) CTO Kajeet RIoT
As the the diagnosis of chronic conditions continue to rise and the US population grows older, issues surrounding patient compliance, safety, and aging-in-place, access to meaningful healthcare becomes critical to care that leads to overall better health outcomes. The next generation of new innovative health tech and medical devices goes beyond tracking and recording, they now have the ability to provide continuous patient engagement and the power to collect a wealth of data, analyze it through AI, and apply it in novel and significant ways. Hear from companies harnessing the power of connectivity and AI giving care recipients, caregivers and providers precise data and actionable insights - all from the patient’s home.
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  IoT Workshops
  6G Expo
  Industrial IoT Conference
  The Smart City Event
Tuesday - 2/11/25
IoT Workshops (303B)
In Building: The Ups and Downs of LoRa Applications
CEO CORIS Monitoring Senior Product Manager, Gateways Multitech CEO Senzary Director, IoT Netmore
Deployers of LoRa technology have reported amazing in building range. Where and What applications are being deployed using LoRa?
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6G Expo (302)
5G Deployment Options and Spectral Efficiency Considerations for 6G
Principal 5G Architect NVIDIA Software Engineer Paycom
As 5G evolves and 6G begins to be defined, it is clear that efficiencies will continue to improve. Additionally, the application of generative AI requires network equipment to support additional computational workload. In this session explore three 5G deployment options as part of the AI-RAN alliance initiative, including “AI on 5G”, “AI in 5G” and “AI and 5G.”
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Industrial IoT Conference (303A)
Digital Twins: Improving Operations – Going Beyond Alarm Monitoring
Consultant thynk AI labs CEO MetaWorldX Director, IoT Platforms Gadgeon Systems Inc Co-Founder True North Software Solutions
The reality of operations is that most production devices are old and were built before connectivity was considered necessary to management platforms. To solve the problem legacy devices have been paired with sensors that add insight for analytics and quality assurance. In this session we look at how and why of sensor gathering information.
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The Smart City Event (301)
The Power of Clinical Intelligence and Its Role in Comprehensive Healthcare
CTO, COO and Board Advisor LifePod Solutions (VCTH LLC) IoT Solution Architecture & Strategy Oracle Executive Director RIoT Chief Commercial Officer BioIntelliSense
Smarter medical devices, improved AI / analytical tools, and increased adoption of technologies ushers in one of the most exciting advancements in healthcare today: Clinical Intelligence. The emerging field of Clinical Intelligence may be one of the most powerful developments to impact healthcare with its potential to touch on multiple facets of the healthcare ecosystem. It means more than improved patient outcomes - Clinical Intelligence could mean improved comprehensive healthcare. In this session explore what Clinical Intelligence can mean for patients, providers, professionals, and facilities.
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  IoT Workshops
  6G Expo
  Industrial IoT Conference
  The Smart City Event
Tuesday - 2/11/25
Cloud Platform Showcase (Floridian Ballroom)
IoT Cloud Platform Showcase Welcome Remarks
CEO and Founder Crossfire Mediaq Senior Software Engineer Optum Services
  Cloud Platform Showcase
Tuesday - 2/11/25
Cloud Platform Showcase (Floridian Ballroom)
IoT Cloud Platform Showcase Demo Presentation
  Cloud Platform Showcase
Tuesday - 2/11/25
Cloud Platform Showcase (Floridian Ballroom)
IoT Cloud Platform Showcase Demo by Gadgeon - Delpheon: One Platform, Many Applications
Director, IoT Platforms Gadgeon Systems Inc
Delpheon, Gadgeon's Industrial IoT Cloud platform, is equipped with a powerful suite of features to help industries overcome the challenges of digitalization. With its multi-application and multi-tenant capabilities, Delpheon empowers the manufacturing industry through advanced remote monitoring and predictive maintenance solutions. Its versatility makes it the ideal solution for manufacturing sectors across the board, driving efficiency, innovation, and seamless integration. Join us for an exclusive session and discover how Delpheon can reshape your operations, paving the way for a smarter, more connected future.
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  Cloud Platform Showcase
Tuesday - 2/11/25
Cloud Platform Showcase (Floridian Ballroom)
IoT Cloud Platform Showcase Demo Presentation
  Cloud Platform Showcase
Tuesday - 2/11/25
Cloud Platform Showcase (Floridian Ballroom)
IoT Cloud Platform Showcase Demo Presentation
  Cloud Platform Showcase
Tuesday - 2/11/25
Cloud Platform Showcase (Floridian Ballroom)
IoT Cloud Platform Showcase Demo Presentation
  Cloud Platform Showcase
Tuesday - 2/11/25
Cloud Platform Showcase (Floridian Ballroom)
IoT Cloud Platform Showcase Awards
  Cloud Platform Showcase
Tuesday - 2/11/25
  Special Networking Event
Wednesday, February 12, 2025
Wednesday - 2/12/25
(Hall B)
Registration Counters Open
Wednesday - 2/12/25
Continental Breakfast Served
Wednesday - 2/12/25
Keynote Presentation (Floridian Ballroom)
Morning Greeting: Where We're Headed - AIoT
Carl Ford CEO and Founder Crossfire Media
  Keynote Presentation
Wednesday - 2/12/25
Keynote Presentation (Floridian Ballroom)
Keynote Presentation: Building Bridges: IoT, FWA, and Channel Innovations with the Big 3
Andrea Delegro Regional Channel Manager - Southeast AT&T
Ben Harding Senior Director of Business Development GetWireless
Jason Lecorchick Channel Strategy & Business Development T-Mobile
Laurie Sharp Channel Account Manager Verizon
Join industry leaders from AT&T, Verizon, and T-Mobile as they discuss the rapidly evolving channel environment and the innovative paths to market for IoT and FWA solutions. This engaging panel will explore new opportunities for channel partners and MSP strategies for thriving in the mobile network landscape, and what network evolution means for 2025 and beyond. Don’t miss this insider’s guide to leveraging carrier partnerships for success in the connected future.
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  Keynote Presentation
Wednesday - 2/12/25
Keynote Presentation (Floridian Ballroom)
Keynote Presentation by City of Coral Gables: Modernizing Services and Smart Policing
Nelson Gonzalez Assistant Innovation & Technology Director / CISO Coral Gables
Hear how the City of Coral Gables design-built and modernized the city's services and Smart Policing environment.
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  Keynote Presentation
Wednesday - 2/12/25
Keynote Presentation (Floridian Ballroom)
Keynote Presentation by FedEx: IoT and AI: Revolutionizing Efficiency and Experiences
Chris Swearingen Managing Director FedEx
Explore how using IoT-driven logistics are transforming global supply chains, providing the groundwork for AI advancements to revolutionize efficiency and enhance customer experiences.
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  Keynote Presentation
Wednesday - 2/12/25
Keynote Presentation (Floridian Ballroom)
Keynote Presentation Panel: Analyze This!
Alex Besen Founder, CEO The Besen Group
Dr. Bradley Canham Founder | CEO MarketVines
Matt Hatton Founding Partner Transforma
Allen Proithis (Moderator) CEO Capstone Partners
Independent analysis is at a premium in any industry. When it comes to IoT, the complexity of a complete IoT solution makes it hard to understand what companies have the experience that applies to your needs. Getting the independent view from the “Analyze This” session will provide you with benefits of their discussions with the enterprises, service providers and the IoT ecosystem.
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  Keynote Presentation
Wednesday - 2/12/25
Keynote Presentation (Floridian Ballroom)
Keynote Presentation by Consumer Technology Association: Change, Change, Change: Trending Changes in the IoT Ecosystem
Mike Bergman VP Technology & Standards Consumer Technology Association
From developers and manufacturers to adopters and everyone in between, what do new IoT technologies and trends in post-quantum encryption, supply chain regulation, cyber and privacy regulatory pressures, and edge AI look like and what are their implications? How will they affect IoT? What does it mean for the ecosystem? Hear from Mike Bergman, Vice President of Technology & Standards with the Consumer Technology Association, as he presents an overview of trending changes in the IoT ecosystem.
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  Keynote Presentation
Wednesday - 2/12/25
(Floridian Ballroom)
Conference Luncheon - Diamond, Platinum, Super Pass, Exhibitor/Conference, Speaker, Press Pass Holders
Wednesday - 2/12/25
IoT Workshops (303B)
Finding the Right Partners - Avoiding Costly Mistakes
EVP Marketing flolive CEO MCCI Corporation Sr Telecom Consultant / Analyst
The hard truth is, many IoT projects fail when they shouldn’t. Even big name companies have been known to halt, or even abandon, IoT projects. One of the reasons IoT projects fail is the (flawed) belief that all integrators are the same. It can be difficult to distinguish which integrator is the right one for you. Do they have the right skill set? What does their knowledge base look like? How can their real-world experience stop you from making costly mistakes? In this session, explore what to look for and how a trusted partner is critical to your IoT project’s success.
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6G Expo (302)
Innovations in Spectrum Management CBRS and Beyond
SR VP Marketing Digital Global Systems
CBRS is an innovation that enables companies to utilize the limited resource of spectrum based on smaller geographies. Now innovators are finding ways to manage and share the spectrum itself. In this session we examine what's ahead and how it will benefit carriers, companies and consumers alike.
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Industrial IoT Conference (303A)
Generative AI for Worker Safety and Industrial Processes
Strategic Analyst & Project Manager James Brehm & Associates Head of Industrial IoT Products & Business Line Lantronix Digitalization Consultant Radix IoT Co-Founder & CTO Soracom
Industrial IoT devices are no longer only about processes and a final product; IIoT is also about the safety of the workers and the processes that create products. This session explores how data from IIoT devices is mobilized to take worker safety and the integrity of industrial processes to the next level through the power Generative AI.
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The Smart City Event (301)
When Smart Buildings and Smart Energy Meet: AI and Electrical Power Monitoring System (EPMS)
Electrical Controls Project Engineer Campbells Soup Company COO Radix IoT Co-Founder True North Software Solutions CEO Applied Power Technologies, Inc.
Today’s smart buildings can go beyond automating lights and regulating temperatures. The next generation of analytics and AI have ushered in a new evolution of building management providing actionable insights and optimal performance, while addressing issues of quality and helping to meet ESG standards. In this session, see how smart buildings and smart energy come together through the power of analytics and AI.
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  IoT Workshops
  6G Expo
  Industrial IoT Conference
  The Smart City Event
Wednesday - 2/12/25
IoT Workshops (303B)
The Town Hall: Where Do We Go From Here?
Founder | CEO MarketVines Consultant thynk AI labs President RAD-INFO, Inc.
What questions do you still have? How can you capitalize on what you learned? Who to keep in contact with and what can we do to help you? What would you like us to cover in the future?
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6G Expo (302)
Enterprise Deployments: The 6G Advantage
Founder FACTech Advisors Founder, CEO Cloverleaf Networks and Ryver Senior Vice President, Business Development Grain Management CEO Capstone Partners
The 5G / 6G reality is that enterprises are more agile and can take advantage of the benefits of 5G / 6G far faster than the carrier can deploy. It's understandable how this agility makes 5G / 6G deployments happen on the edge. This panel takes a look at how 5G / 6G is being designed for enterprise deployments and its impacts. Will hyperscalers gain or reduce the value MNOs / MVNOs bring to the customer? How will AI be incorporated into edge services and applications? What will deployments look like moving forward?
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Industrial IoT Conference (303A)
The Manufacturer's Dilemma: Migrating from Product to Service
Consultant thynk AI labs CEO and Founder Crossfire Media Digitalization Consultant Radix IoT
Digital Transformation has changed not only the way we produce products, but also the customer support. Instead of customers relying on after-market support, the company and the customer are now connected via IoT. The customer no longer must be the hands and eyes during a service call, instead the company often proactively monitors and informs the customer of troubles and remedies. In this session we look at how manufacturing is turning into Managed Service Providers and how the business model has changed.
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The Smart City Event (301)
Smart Buildings: Retrofitting to Avoid Disasters while Improving Services
CEO MetaWorldX RIoT Co-Founder True North Software Solutions Director, IoT Netmore
While it’s nice to start fresh the vast majority of IoT smart building deployments happen where they are needed – in buildings that are aging and in need of monitoring. Some systems are put in place to deal with guest services and tracking security. Others are being added to get a sense of environmental issues such as air quality or water management. Often the addition of one smart building application leads to the addition of more. In this panel we look at how smart building adoption occurs and how the improvements relate to the value of the building.
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  IoT Workshops
  6G Expo
  Industrial IoT Conference
  The Smart City Event
Wednesday - 2/12/25
(Hall B)
IoT Evolution Expo #TECHSUPERSHOW Expo Hall Grand Opening
Wednesday - 2/12/25
Solutions Theatre (IoT Demo Theatre - 1500 Aisle)
IoT Solutions Showcase by Gadgeon: Jumpstart Your Journey to Industry X.0
Delpheon Lite is the game-changing platform designed to simplify digital transformation for manufacturing companies. With its unique 3-in-1 solution combining data collection, data warehousing, and data visualization in a compact and powerful package, Delpheon Lite is revolutionizing how manufacturing companies embrace Industry X.0. Join us for an exclusive deep dive into Delpheon Lite and discover how it can transform your operations instantly and drive efficiency like never before.
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  Solutions Theatre
Wednesday - 2/12/25
Solutions Theatre (IoT Demo Theatre - 1500 Aisle)
IoT Solutions Showcase by Orthogone: Tackling the Hidden Challenges of IoT Product Development
The development of IoT products is a true endeavor. If not planned and developed carefully to account for the massive hidden complexity, it can wreck a project in many ways. IoT products are generally understood to be connected devices, delivering more functionalities to the user and valuable data. The hidden complexity comes from the requirements of having thousands of devices operational 24/7 for years on end, staying secure, using low bandwidth and low power, and keeping up with an ever-changing technology ecosystem for over a decade. At Orthogone, we have the privilege of helping develop and maintain IoT products operating in a wide range of industries, from the idea to the sunset of a product. With this presentation, Orthogone will share the joys and pains of such a process. By laying out key decisions and their impact, we strive to help any engineer and developer better navigate and avoid the problems of shipping and operating world-class IoT products.
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  Solutions Theatre
Wednesday - 2/12/25
  Solutions Theatre
Wednesday - 2/12/25
Solutions Theatre (IoT Demo Theatre - 1500 Aisle)
IoT Solutions Showcase by Amsys: Connected Spaces Coalition Approach to Navigating AI
Thought Leadership on Smart Spaces in Urban Environments - Using AI to engage with Residents, Tourists, Patients, Fans, Students - Sensor Fusion – Devices, Data, Technology, People, and Direction! - Leveraging Eco-System Partners to Drive Success - Taking you from Art of the Possible to Art of the Practical (Sticky Note to Production)
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  Solutions Theatre
Wednesday - 2/12/25
Special Networking Event (Hall B)
Grand Opening Reception in Expo Hall
  Special Networking Event
Wednesday - 2/12/25
  Solutions Theatre
Wednesday - 2/12/25
  Solutions Theatre
Thursday, February 13, 2025
Thursday - 2/13/25
(Hall B)
Registration Counters Open
Thursday - 2/13/25
Continental Breakfast Served
Thursday - 2/13/25
IoT Workshops (303B)
Wi-Fi for IoT: Advances in Wi-Fi IoT Support
IoT Client Director USCellular CEO CORIS Monitoring
For many in-building applications Wi-Fi has been the answer to deploying devices. There are clear advantages to Wi-Fi as a known network and some historical issues in coverage and capacity. In the last few years, those issues have been addressed and now we are in the period where readily available product is available. This panel discusses their experience in deploying IoT Wi-Fi.
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6G Expo (302)
vCons: The CDR of AI
Founder Thynk Forward Co-founder, Sales, and Strategy Thynk Forward Co-Founder AdJumps CTO Strolid Head of Strategic Alliances and Business Development Strolid
The swivel chair problem of pivoting between monitors and applications has existed for as long as people have had the need to manage multiple connected devices. Is it possible to use a single platform to manage diverse endpoints with one comprehensive view of all your IoT devices? Can you manage connections across diverse network operators and throughout different regions of the world? Are there other benefits to a single pane of glass?
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Industrial IoT Conference (303A)
Factory Floor: Harmonizing the Noise and Translating the Chatter
Founder Innofide CEO Senzary
There are less machine languages than human languages, but it can feel daunting to manage digital transformation when a company’s systems have been separating and standalone forever. Companies have been adopting MQTT, CoAP and other methods to enable better monitoring and management from of the entire process. This session looks at the efforts to reduce the noise and make it easier for companies to see the big picture.
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The Smart City Event (301)
Water Management: Good to the Last Drop
Strategic Analyst & Project Manager James Brehm & Associates Global Lead, IoT Solutions SAS RIoT Co-Founder True North Software Solutions Director, IoT Netmore
Water may be the hardest asset to manage. In some states we have rivers and lakes drying up, while in other states we are regularly coping with floods. How do cities and counties reduce the impact of storms and floods. In this session we look at how to plan for uncertainty and direct water where it can do the most good and the least damage.
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  IoT Workshops
  6G Expo
  Industrial IoT Conference
  The Smart City Event
Thursday - 2/13/25
IoT Workshops (303B)
Making Money on IoT Activations
Senior Director of Business Development GetWireless Director of Business Development - Connectivity GetWireless
The GetWireless connectivity team will share the reality of opportunity for channel partners, resellers, system integrators, and OEMs to make money with the activation programs available today.
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6G Expo (302)
SCITT: Managing Compliance of Virtual Conversations (vCons) with Supply Chain Integrity, Transparency and Trust, Ledger Services
Consultant thynk AI labs Business Development Data Trails Director of Ecosystem DataTrails CTO Strolid Head of Strategic Alliances and Business Development Strolid
Virtual Conversations (vCons) are a means to feed AI engines, scaling to the increasing needs of sales and customer support systems. Managing PII and the vCon lifecycle of consent requires proof you’ve acted on the wishes of the parties involved. This session focuses on SCITT, providing cost-effective tamper-resistant transparency ledger services through cutting edge cryptographic techniques., enabling your company to unlock the power of vCons.
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The Smart City Event (301)
Smart Farming: Integrating AI, Drones and Robotics to Manage Crops and Livestock
Founder Information Patterns Strategic Analyst & Project Manager James Brehm & Associates Executive Director RIoT
Innovation in Farming is happening everywhere from Rural farms spanning miles to Urban farming being monitored vertically. Sensors are being deployed to measure soil conditions, reduce air pollution, mitigate pests, track crop health and augment the farm worker, increasing their health and productivity. Using IoT data and the power of AI means bringing significant improvements in yields while also achieving environmental goals via resource optimization, waste reductions, and more sustainable farming practices. This session looks at what is driving adoption of modern technologies and how success is measured in Smart Farming.
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  IoT Workshops
  6G Expo
  The Smart City Event
Thursday - 2/13/25
(Hall B)
IoT Evolution Expo #TECHSUPERSHOW Expo Hall Open
Thursday - 2/13/25
Thursday - 2/13/25
  Solutions Theatre
Thursday - 2/13/25
  Solutions Theatre
Thursday - 2/13/25
  Solutions Theatre
Thursday - 2/13/25
  Solutions Theatre
Thursday - 2/13/25
  Solutions Theatre
Thursday - 2/13/25
  Solutions Theatre
Thursday - 2/13/25
  Solutions Theatre
Thursday - 2/13/25
  Solutions Theatre
Thursday - 2/13/25
IDEA 2025 (Floridian Ballroom)
IDEA Showcase Startup Pitches & Reception
  IDEA 2025
Thursday - 2/13/25
Special Networking Event (Marriott Harbor Beach Resort)
IoT Evolution Expo #TECHSUPERSHOW Networking LIVE Party
  Special Networking Event